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Hobby Farms: Choosing the Right Farm Fencing

Choosing the right farm fencing for hobby farms can be an overwhelming process for some new farmers. At Edge Wholesale Direct, we want to take all the hassle and stress out of choosing farm fencing. That is why we offer a wide range of different farm fencing options for hobby farms.

How to Choose the Right Fence Type

Before trying to choose the right type of farm fencing for your hobby farm, it is important to know what the fence’s purpose will be. Not all types of farm fencing will work the same for every application and not all are suited for the same type of terrain. Consider the types of animals you will be keeping on your hobby farm and the fencing that will work best for them, as well as what type of fencing will work best for your property.

Types of Hobby Farm Fencing

Some of the most popular types of farm fencing options for hobby farms include:

Barbed Wire Fences

One of the most traditional types of fencing on the market is barbed wire fencing. This type of farm fencing is strong, durable, and long-lasting, making it an ideal choice for containing cattle or bison; however, it is important to note that barbed wire fencing should not be used to contain horses as it can cause immense injuries if a horse spooks and runs through the fence. Barbed wire can also be an appropriate perimeter fence when set up with 5 strands spaced closely together.

Woven Wire Fences

Woven wire fencing is a popular choice for most livestock because animals cannot climb over it, run through it, or get their hooves stuck in it. This type of farm fencing comes in a wide variety of different heights and sizes of square openings. When installing woven wire fencing, consider burying it at least six inches into the ground in order to prevent predators from digging into the pen and livestock, such as pigs, from digging out. Since woven wire can often be weighed down and bent along the top from animals trying to reach over to graze on the other side, most farmers tend to add a single strand of barbed wire or electric wire along the top to keep animals back.

Welded Wire Fencing

If you are looking to keep animals out of your garden, welded wire fencing might be the perfect solution. This type of farm fencing is the ideal choice for protecting gardens and trees, closing openings in tube gates, and enclosing chicken runs. Even though welded wire fencing is made from strong connections of twisted wire, welded wire is not as durable as other types of fencing and should not be used to contain strong animals.

If you would like to learn more about choosing the right farm fencing for hobby farms, or if you are interested in one of our farming products, please contact Edge Wholesale Direct at 604-857-2496.